Zbrush Orb Crack Brush Er
ZBrush First thing's first. If you're using Zbrush, it's almost impossible that you don't already know about ZbrushCentral, the ZClassroom, and the Zbrush downloads center, but consider this a reminder if you've overlooked it. The Zclassroom has improved substantially over the past six months to the point where they have some of the best Zbrush training available anywhere, free or premium.
It's also well organized into bite sized chunks, so it's perfect for learning a specific tool or workflow. Don't miss it! I love this brush so much. For a long, long time, the Damian Standard was the go to seam/crack/crease brush, but Orb's is just so much cleaner. Instead of pinching the heck out of your geometry, Orb uses a perfectly formed alpha in conjunction with lazy-mouse to give a clean, well-defined line. You'll find uses for Orb Cracks in both environment and organic sculpting, but it really shines when doing stylized stuff, a la DOTA, Blizzard, Torchlight, Darksiders, etc. If you're interested in how the brush works, Orb put a tutorial up on Vimeo, or you can just download it here.
If you spend any amount of time sculpting in Zbrush, chances are you'll eventually want to get your models, textures, and normal maps into another package at some point. Although provides a set of tools built in tools that are perfectly capable of accomplishing this, Xnormals are better, and the software has become the de facto choice for highpoly → lowpoly normal map baking. Xnormal can also extract a wide variety of additional maps, including ambient occlusion, cavity, curvature, height, etc., etc., etc.
If you're looking to become a game developer, you might as well download XNormal right away—you're going to need it eventually. The Zbrush interface is infinitely customizable, and the fine folks over at Polycount have done quite a lot of customizing over in this enormous forum thread/repository. I personally haven't messed around with my Zbrush UI too much, but it's something I want to explore sometime soon—a lot of people I've spoken to say that just a few interface tweaks improved their efficiency a great deal. There are dozens of custom UI downloads available in the linked thread, so feel free to try a few and see if you find anything you like!
Orb Crack Brush
Did you know? You can upload videos to Vimeo directly from Dropbox! Drop it like there’s a box underneath it. More Zbrush Orb Crack Brush Er videos.