Social Security Administration Mid America Program Service Center
Facts About Our Region. We have 2,780 employees located in the Regional Office, the Mid-America Program Service Center, teleservice centers and field offices.
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Social Security Disability. I received a letter from the SSA with a return address of the 'Mid America Program Service Center' in. We do not need to review your.
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The 119 employees of the Kansas City Regional Office coordinate Social Security regional operations and provide administrative support for Social Security components. The 1,211 employees of the Mid-America Program Service Center (MAMPSC) provide monthly checks and maintain payment records for more than 11 million people who receive about $13.1 billion in benefits each month based on Social Security numbers issued in 11 states. The Kansas City Teleservice Center and their 153 employees are part of the world's largest 800 number network, providing toll-free service nationwide.
The 68 field offices in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska and their 1,297 employees serve 2.9 million people who receive monthly benefits totaling more than $3 billion.