Civilization 5 Apollo Program Requirements

  1. Space Shuttle Program

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The Apollo Program is the start of the space race. It allows construction of spaceship parts. Each civilization must complete this project before they can construct.

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Civilization 5 Apollo Program Requirements

(Multiplayer). Related Game Subreddits. Link Flairs/Filters Multiple Screenshots Single Screenshots Discussion related to the Subreddit Official/Mod Highlighted Events Starting and Settling Locations A.I Only Matches + The Battle Royale Discussions related to the game Questions asked by other users Historical related facts Bugs or glitches encountered by users Other Content Modded Civs, Comics, Photos etc. I'm playing is The Dutch, and decided I'd go for a science victory, since I've never actually tried it before. Everything went well for many years until mordern, where I was warned that Sweden (my neighbor) was plotting against me.

He had also started building cities waaay to close to mine, so I choose to attack him, before he would attack me. (bost defense is an offense:p) Anyway that was a really bad decision, and he had me retreat to my capital where I held him off, and finally negotiated a peace treaty. In that time, he managed to steal SO MANY of my techs, so he now has the lead on the Apollo Program, and I where wondering what I could do to overcome him?

He's the most toughest nation in the game as of now, and mine is like really tiny, but quite robust. I was thinking I'd go for some nukes, and surprise him with a sneak attack, so he'd have to focus on me instead. I would think I could defend myself from him. I have however never really played end game at all, and never before launched a nuke or used planes. I always used to win before that through cultural victory. Any tips to gain the lead on the damn Swede would be really helpful - thanks in advance!:) TL;DR: Svensken has just initated Apollo Program, I am 10 turns away from also initiating it, how can I gain the lead?

Should I be concerned. Getting to the Apollo Program and building it isn't the end of the space race. There are still a LOT of techs to reasearch and you gata build all the parts. If he's only ahead by 10 turns at this point, you're certainly not out of the game.

If you went Freedom, you can try to get the third tier social policy that lets you buy rocket ship parts so that when you research the last tech, you buy the part and win the turn after. This also works for Order, but you need a Great Engi to hammer the ship part, not cash. Really though, just buckle down, buy any Great Scientists you can to hell bulb tech, and out research him.

HOVER FOR DETAILS! Subreddit Rules. Memes, image macros, and reaction gifs are not allowed as posts. These types of posts should either be posted in,.

All posted content must be related to the Civilization series, Civilization Beyond Earth, Alpha Centauri, or Colonization series and should be original in nature. Posts that only show your relationship between one or more Civs, including trade screens, are not allowed. Screenshots of graphical glitches are not allowed unless they are major and have not been seen before. If you post a screenshot of the game, please point out what you want people to look at in the image or explain in the comments. Posts comprised of current leaders or events are not allowed. They should instead be posted in.

However, informative posts about past leaders or structures that are included in the series are allowed. Posts that are abusive in nature will be removed and the user that posted it will be banned. Posts that ask for, link to, or advocate piracy in any way will be removed. The rules can also be found on the. Civilization VI Links. Civilization V Links.


Values vary by up to ± 2 each game. Free Civ-style Games. Other Civilization-Related Subreddits. (Multiplayer). Related Game Subreddits.

Link Flairs/Filters Multiple Screenshots Single Screenshots Discussion related to the Subreddit Official/Mod Highlighted Events Starting and Settling Locations A.I Only Matches + The Battle Royale Discussions related to the game Questions asked by other users Historical related facts Bugs or glitches encountered by users Other Content Modded Civs, Comics, Photos etc. Alexander is that you? Drunk again are we? Probably a glitch or you misread someplace. You can't build the parts without the Apollo program. I mayyyy be wrong but Apollo program can be researched by both you and Greece (assuming you're not Greece) So you probably both have it.

It's a space RACE. I've definitely had multiple civs with spaceship parts. You can't have parts without program. Pretty sure it's not a 1 civ wonder. EDIT: Confirmed!! Multiple civs can research apollo program, and then 'signal the beginning of the race'. Thus allowing you build parts.

Space Shuttle Program

You and greece BOTH have it. It's now a race to see who finishes first. The Apollo Program is a nation wonder, not a world wonder. Everyone can build a copy of a national wonder.

World wonders are 1 per map buildings, the first to complete it gets it. National Wonders are 1 per empire. You'll notice most of these require 'build X building in every city' before you can construct them. Apollo/Manhattan are the only two National Wonders that you get a warning when another player completes them, because they are gamechangers. Obviously Apollo signals the beginning stages of a science victory, and Manhattan triggers impending nuclear warfare. 11 Heroic Epic, National Epic, National College, National Treasury, Circus Maximus, Ironworks, Hermitage, National Spy Agency, Oxford University, and Grand Temple. The Palace in your capital is technically also one.

They are all very powerful, which is to balance them. They are one reason Tall empires are kept balanced vs Wide. Cost increases per city, so a wide empire will either forgo building them, be unable to get the building needed in all cities, or simply take much longer to build them.

There's a delicate balance for most empires between new cities vs when to build a Nat Wonder. The cost for them increases based on number cities (annexed/occupied/founded. I dont believe puppets add to cost).

So if you are planning to expand, its a cost management exercise. Do I expand and build a new city, which will require the building type needed for the NatWonder, and make it slower to build? Or, do I stick with my current cities, building the wonder, then consider expanding. Also note you cannot 'take' a national wonder. World Wonders remain in the city they are build, and can be taken by conquering empires. They will never be destroyed by taking or being given a city.


They will vanish if you raze the city to the ground, and they cannot be rebuilt. NatWonders disappear forever if the city with them is taken. I guess this is to prevent you from getting multiple copies of them (multiple Spy agencies would be very OP late game). If you retake the city, the NatWonders are still gone.

I do not believe they can be rebuilt.