Microsoft Corporation Value Chain Analysis Example

Net present value analysis example

View and Download PowerPoint Presentations on VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS AT MICROSOFT CORPORATION PPT. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of. Value Chain Analysis. Microsoft Corporation has been known to have an efficient value chain and offering the customer great value with its products.

Microsoft Corporation Value Chain Analysis ExampleMcdonald

What is Value Chain Analysis? A value chain is a chain of value added activities; products pass through the activities in a chain, gaining value at each stage. As a small business owner, you need to use value chain models for doing strategic cost analysis (which investigates how your costs compare to your competition's costs). What is Strategy? And How Does Porter's Value Chain Model Fit With Strategy?

Strategy is your business' direction; and the how, why, what, who and when of following that direction. Your strategic needs to include the chain analysis results as strategic Most businesses analyze their own internal cost structures but most do not analyze their competitor's structures. Analyze your value chains for your business and then compare to the competitors in your industry that have (in total) up to 80% of the market share - do not spend a lot of time analyzing the smaller competitors unless you believe they are up and coming. This type of will be invaluable for developing and implementing new If you are operating in an industry where most competitors are publicly traded, you will be able to access most of their financial statements through their mandated public annual reports. If your business and/or industry is populated with privately held companies, your cost analysis does not need to include specific costs - it's unlikely your competitor will give you those - but by analyzing where in your competitor's process they must incur cost, you can get a very good idea of your competitor's efficiencies and inefficiencies and you should be able to estimate some of their costs. Value Chain Example: For example, you might have who've worked for your competitor and they've told you that they are earning a dollar an hour more with you for the same job they did with the competitor. Or you scan the online job boards for your competitors' job postings.

Cost Value Analysis Example

Labor costs are often a large overall cost in most businesses - at least, you will be able to estimate if they are higher or lower than you. The value chain identifies, and shows the links, or chain, of the distinct activities and processes that you perform to create, manufacture, market, sell, and distribute your product or service. The focus is on recognizing the activities and processes that create value for your customers.

Value Analysis Example Healthcare

The importance of value chain analysis is that it can help you assess costs in your chain that might be reduced or impacted by a change in one of the chain's processes. By comparing your value chain to your competitors, you can often find the areas or links of the chain where they might be more efficient than you; that points the direction for you to improve. However, you need to understand that the value chain will be influenced by the type of you and your competitors follow: if you are the high value, high quality market leader, your chain will be quite different than the low cost, high volume competitor. Understand how those differences influence your analysis and make sure that your business strategy is in-tune with your market and with your strategic objectives. Expect your competitors to have a value chain quite different than yours; because their business grew from a different set of circumstances and a different set of operating parameters than your business.