Problem Installing Program Hangs


Greetings, This has happened a few times now over the last couple of weeks. At first I thought it was just a once-off bug, but it keeps coming back and I can't see any patterns to identify the cause or trigger. Sometimes when I start a Deployment from the Software Center the Status gets stuck at 'Installing' and never moves beyond that. It has happened for OSD task sequences as well as Package/programs. In both cases the same Deployment works on other machines, or has worked on this same machine previously.

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May 10, 2016 Looks for problems that can stop you installing and uninstalling a program. Mar 25, 2010 Why my pc hangs on after installing any antivirus. I think i have solved my problem of. Why my pc hangs on after installing any antivirus program? I have a custom built PC that intermittently hangs when installing. Windows 7 Hangs During App Install. Windows 8 System-Wide Program Installation Problems.

It's not always the same programs, and there seems to be no particular pattern I can find to cause it. Restarting the SMS Agent doesn't resolve, it just comes up as 'Installing' again after the agent has restarted. I've tried clearing the adverts from the client and no difference, restarting the computer also makes no difference. It just comes back as 'Installing' If I remove the computer from the deployment, it dissapears from the Software Center, and when I add the deployment back again it re-appears in Software Center as 'Installing' again. Doing a client repair (ccmrepair) doesn't fix it. Doing a client re-install (with always re-install) doesn't fix it either. I have to completely remove the existing client and reinstall to clear the problem, but that makes the client then appear as a completely new device in CM12 so that's not a very reasonable resolution. The only log entry I can find that seems to indicate an error is in execmgr.log where an entry saying 'OnContentAvailable invalid request GUID handle' appears several times.

I have no idea what it means. Running the same deployment on another computer works fine.

Clients are all Windows7 SP1 32bit. No, just Task sequences and Package/Programs are what I've had it happen on so far. I've gone through.all.

the logs, all the SMS/CCM relates registry keys and files and I can't work out where the status that locks it at 'installing' is stored. Manually clearing out advert history etc makes no difference, it just stays there 'Installing'. As I mentioned, execmgr.log is the only place that actually shows 'something' is not working, but the 'OnContentAvailable invalid request GUID handle' message doesn't seem to have a lot of details to identify the problem.

I've tried the Deployment Monitoring Tool already, as well as all the other tools in the Toolkit, but none of them seem to see a problem. In fact, the DMT show nothing at all (these are all optional deployments) This is a real pain. When it happens, no other deployments can run, they just stop at 'Waiting to install' because of the one that is stuck 'Installing' I'm sure the 'OnContentAvailable invalid request GUID handle' message is important, but there just doesn't seem to be any information I can find about what it means. The Deployment Monitoring Tool doesn't show any details for Package & Program or Task Sequence deployments. CliSpy.exe is the TShooting tool for these legacy types of deployments. The installation of Package & Program is being interrupted in some way.

A CCMExec crash looks very similar (stuck at Installing). The ExecMgr log is a good source of information for the issue.

Considering that you're seeing the 'OnContentAvailable invalid request GUID handle', it might be a good idea to confirm that the content for the package/program was downloaded successfully. For Package/Program, this could either be ran from the DP or downloaded to the Windows CcmCache folder. The logs related to content download are CAS.log, ContentTransferManager.log and the DataTransferService.log. Software Center is reading instances of the CCMProgram WMI class in the root ccm clientsdk namespace. I'm not sure if this will help though as the UI is likely just reflecting the properties of the objects defined there. The more relevent information is in the ExecMgr.log, which contains log entries showing the state transitions for the program execution. Log entries like this: Raising client SDK event for class CCMProgram, instance., actionType 10l.

Action type = 10 Program execute complete. This event is what causes the Software Center UI to go from 'Installing' to 'Installed'. Create a task sequence to delete the ccmcache folder contents (C: windows ccmcache) and see if that works. I have noticed I have to do that when I have an item that is set to download then install instead of install from the distro point. I don't have access to the system anymore and I haven't tried reproducing it in my Lab.

I'm pretty sure I have already tried that though, but the problem seems to be a bit more involved that just 'bad content'. I can't say for sure though so if I get the chance to look at it again I will do that to confirm.

I have seen this with 'Uninstall' programs too, removing the policy by removing the machine from the collection removes the offending item in the software center, but when the policy is re-applied the status is instantly 'Uninstalling'. Task Manager would show no evidence that the uninstall program or any form of prompt was running. Unfortunately, like you, after having exhausted the toolset options my only recourse was to uninstall the client completely and re-install. Reproducing the issue has proved impossible and I have not seen this behavior since. My Personal Blog. I was having the same issue on a task sequence I advertised to run daily on a set of machines.

One machine was stuck installing in Software Center and any repair, uninstall/reinstall, etc would not fix it. After searching through WMI I was able to find that the advertisement was stuck in an evaluationstate of 14, while all my other successful deployments were in 17. Get-WmiObject -namespace root ccm clientsdk -class ccmprogram select fullname,evaluationstate I tried using.put and a few other methods but could not change the state. I finally used Client Center for ConfigMgr to delete 'root ccm', repair the ConfigMgr client, and this resolved it!

Did anyone find a better fix for this? I am also seeing this on several machines and can not find the cause. These are freshly imaged machines all with the same image and same TS deployments. Some will work fine and others get stuck at 'Installing' forever. All of my clients are Windows 7 x64 SP1 SCCM 2012 SP1 CU2 Execmgr.log shows lots of: OnContentAvailable invalid request GUID handle execmgr 3980 (0x0F8C) and some (ContentAvailable ignoring update with no DPs for content request ID) (IMaintenanceCoordinator::RemoveTask failed with error code 0x87d00317). Hi all, Again old thread but has anyone found the root cause of this?

I have SCCM 2012 R2 environment, two domains with one sites server on each domain. This issue is happening on both environments.

It first occurred when using a package consisting of 39 MS updates - Win7,.NET, Office 2010 and Lync 2010. This was packaged up, downloaded and deployed on both domains to test machines.

I am currently still in this test phase and itching to get these patches out to the estate. My failure rate does seem alarmingly high as i have tested on three test machines on each domain and two saw this issue. So four out of six. Now it seems to happen on the affected machines with a single update in a deployment. Another issue with this is that it prevents the machines from shutting down. It hangs on the Shutting Down screen (left one overnight). Plus, it seems to impact explorer.exe as I cannot open USB devices (get the slow loading green bar in directory path field).


I am going to try the workarounds mentioned in this post, but knowing and fixing the root cause is required. Want to also add that I cannot see any obvious errors in log files. When I think I have found a useful error, it does not appear on the other machines, so not related to each other. One important note! I found some logs like below in smsts.log Task sequence execution failed with error code 80070002 Error setting HKEYLOCALMACHINE Software Microsoft SMS Task Sequence Program. Code 80070002 Error - could not get package and program IDs. Code 80070002 the link below mentions that KB2965788 requires multiple restart that's why SCCM agent can not handle the second restart and hangs.

It could be true because I was just installed this KB with Software update before running this TS. I still battle with this every now and then.

We still have our 45 or so machines that have three task sequences that run daily on them for maintenance purposes. Instead of using Client Center I now just blow away WMI and run CCMRepair.exe. Net stop winmgmt 2.

Winmgmt /resetrepository 3. CCMRepair.exe It may be overly intrusive but it helps prevent the issue alot longer than just blowing away the CCM reposirtory. We are on SP1 CU3, so it does not appear SP1 fixed it for us. Not sure if this is a fix for the original condition, but I just had a stuck 'Installing' OSD TS that this sorted out.

However I had been mucking around with things so it's quite possible I caused it for other reasons. Still no solid explanation for why it actually happens, or a slightly less 'sledgehammer' approach to fixing it. On another note, I am very interested to find any documentation regarding this comment from DanielR: If you are installing applications during an OSD task sequence, it is supported. If you are simply using task sequences to deploy a list of applications, that is currently not supported. I was pretty much told this at one point in the past by a MS engineer that was on site a few years back when he saw what we were doing - 'Task sequences weren't really designed to be used that way.'

But I can't find anything on the web stating it isn't supported. We use a TS to deploy software and it causes so many headaches and requires a lot of administrative time. You most likely won't, in this case 'not supported' means Microsoft hasn't tested it and you get very limited support with them. Daniel Ratliff. Interestingly enough the customer I am at at now had this happen on a server being built on a 2012R2 hierarchy.

This is the only time they've seen it happen after building several hundred thousand computers. We tried the suggested WMI and service dependant suggestions but that didn't help at all, so perhaps there was some other issue showing the same symptoms.

In the end we just rebuilt the machine. I'll mark yours as the answer though given it seems to be a solution in at least some instances, and if something more permanent is released by Microsoft we can update the the answer. During testing scenario we have found following: Start an available task sequence (TS) in software center (SC) and reboot the PC during the TS (cold reboot so power off/power on). In some cases, after reboot, I saw the status of the TS was failed in SC. But there was no center reporting of that failure AND C: SMSTaskSequence TSenv.dat still existed. So, failed TS but existing TSenv.dat. I other cases, you get an error (central log) but after reboot the TS starts again, it fails but than the status becomes 'Installing' in SC.

So, failed TS but it's still 'installing' in SC. When I read this forum it is metnioned here this is bug.

Does anybody know when it will be fixed? Because we are at the beginning of the migration and would like to avoid this. Working bypass for us is quite heavy (delete 'root ccm' & repair the ConfigMgr client). Thank you for update. During testing scenario we have found following: Start an available task sequence (TS) in software center (SC) and reboot the PC during the TS (cold reboot so power off/power on).

In some cases, after reboot, I saw the status of the TS was failed in SC. But there was no center reporting of that failure AND C: SMSTaskSequence TSenv.dat still existed. So, failed TS but existing TSenv.dat. I other cases, you get an error (central log) but after reboot the TS starts again, it fails but than the status becomes 'Installing' in SC.

Problem Installing Program Hangs

So, failed TS but it's still 'installing' in SC. When I read this forum it is metnioned here this is bug. Does anybody know when it will be fixed?

Because we are at the beginning of the migration and would like to avoid this. Working bypass for us is quite heavy (delete 'root ccm' & repair the ConfigMgr client). Thank you for update The bug will not be fixed unless there are sufficient reports to Microsoft. I would confirm with the WMI query above this is the exact issue you have, then open a case with Microsoft.

Until then, you can use the workaround above. @compunate - No, we only deployed it where necessary. Right now we have it on about 65 workstations that re-run a Application Task Sequence every day. It has fixed every single one. Sometime it requires a reboot.

Daniel Ratliff. Hey guys, I just checked the code in the Powershell script and the DCM CAB File Both still seem to do the opposite of one anonther.

The DCM CAB file has NOT yet been updated. Powershell: start-process sc.exe -ArgumentList 'config smstsmgr depend= winmgmt/ccmexec' -wait CAB: start-process sc.exe -ArgumentList 'config ccmexec depend= winmgmt/smstsmgr' -wait So a point of attention for those who download the DCM. You have to check the code and change the script where necessary.

(the line above is not the only place where changes need to be made). This script worked for me.

Dong-Hwan Sung

The scenario that causes this was two SCCM Packages, Not apps being deployed by a task sequence. I ran the script in an elevated instance of ISE and then checked to see if the 'Installing' condition had gone away and it had. No system restart. I used the script earlier in this thread to first confirm that that package and only that package was set to 14, not 17. After the script to do the dependency and service restart was ran I ran the check script again and the status that was 14 was now 17. Thank you 'Name Yourself' who ever you are.

After the script is run the dependency was not visible in the dependency tab even though it had worked, remember no restart of the system of this point. So I had fortunately had the registry editor open to HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services smstsmgr This is the key for the Task Manager Service.

I looked at the value DependOnService, the only value for the REGMULTISZ data was winmgmt Then I typed the F5 key to refresh and the value of DependOnService had changed to winmgmt ccmexec. So the script first changes any of the status values of any entry in CMM that were 14 to 17. This 14 value is what is causing the 'Installing' to be constant. Once that is changed to 17 restarting the service gets rid of the 'Installing' The dependency change should in most cases PREVENT a repeat occurrence of this issue.

And consider that I have seen the problem twice in the last two weeks, once on Windows 7 and Once on W10 LTSB 2016 with the SCCM 1606 build. So this problem exists and is a repeatable issue. Changing the registry entry above on all your machines would correct the problem on the next system reboot, or you could also stop and start the service. I love the PowerShell solution because it finds and fixes ALL the status 14 advertisements so you don't have to KNOW and then prevents further occurrences.

I've got a Officejet 4500 which could be installed without problems under XP, Win 7 and Win 8.0. Now I bought a brandnew Windows 8 notebook (Acer Aspire) and updated to 8.1. Then I started the appropriate setup executable OJAIO4500G510g-mFullWinWW140408.exe. At first try the program window opened and hung with the initial step (system checking). At later tries the file has been extracted but no window opened. In Task Manager I found the process 'HP installer setup' using 30% CPU, but I was forced to kill this process finally. The printer itself is now installed (I'm able to see the printer and to use it) but the Solution Center and the Scan/Fax capabilities are not available.

Installing Program When Getting Turtle Beach

I even used with the installation assistent. I stopped the firewall, no success. The idea to stop all Window services found in this forum seemed somewhat heavy to me. So what might be the reason that the Window doesn't open and the programs hangs? Best regards Thomas. I got exactly the same problem with my Photosmart C310 printer. It worked fine under Windows 8, but when I upgraded to Windows 8.1, the driver and applications were no longer working.

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I tried to uninstall HP aplications, but the uninstaller did not finish correctly. As I had other applications that were not working either (thank you Microsoft for this smart upgrade!!!), I reinstalled from scrath Windows 8 from the security backup, upgraded to Windows 8.1 and only afterwards tried several times to install HP driver without success. The installer unzips the files and then the application closes. My printer is recognized by the OS (a generic driver has been installed by Windows), but I can only scan via the webpage of the printer, with very few options and less optimized than the HP software. Same for the generic driver where margins are not set correctly. Can anybody from HP help us?

Thanks in advance. Hi all, I am sorry to hear that you are all having problems installing the Version 13 and 14 HP software for your printers. We (HP) are very interested in helping fixing this problem and getting the full install of the printer software. Can you all help us out by answering a few questions about how you got to your version of Windows 8.1 and how the printer is installed. What version of Windows 8.1 are you using?. How did you arrive at theis version of Windows 8.1 (Upgrade CD or Windows Store or new install or Clean Install)?.

What Printer were you trying to install?. What version of the HP Software were you trying to install and how did you get it? (Web download or CD)?. How is the PC connected to your Printer (Network or USB)? Also I would like anyone who is willing to Submit Installation Logs to us to Private Message me and I will contact you about how to collect them and where to send them after collection. Hi Jon, all you need to know is described in my initial posting:. new Acer notebook with 8.0 preinstalled.

Problems Installing Programs

8.1 installed from Windows store. started the install file OJAIO4500G510g-mFullWinWW140408.exe.

stopped working after extraction It's irrelevant that the printer in question is a Officejet 4500 since the installation didn't come to the point to notice this. I suppose that a conflict between the installation and some Windows service happens but I expect HP to determine which one. I'm not ready to deactivate all services preventively.