Carl Jung Y Los Arquetipos Pdf

  1. Que Es Arquetipo
  2. Los Arquetipos De Jung
  • Este es un fragmento que me ha vibrado muy alto del libro “Arquetipos e Inconsciente Colectivo” 1 de Carl Gustav Jung. Pueden descargarlo siguiendo la liga de.
  • Este es un fragmento que me ha vibrado muy alto del libro “Arquetipos e Inconsciente Colectivo” 1 de Carl Gustav Jung. Pueden descargarlo siguiendo la liga de.

While Mussolini was an ordinary man—“a human being”, so to say, even a charming one— Hitler was not, “lacking individuality, confused with his nation’s collective soul, and possessed by its Collective Unconscious.” And Jung would add: “Not even by the Collective Unconscious of a single nation, but that of an entire race, the Aryan race. Driver sound card crystal cs4281 cm ep windows 7. And it is for this reason that the listeners, even those without knowledge of German, would, if Aryans, be gripped and hypnotised by his words; because he represents them all—he speaks for all of them. And if he does it shouting, it is because an entire nation, an entire race, is expressing itself through him.”1 Thus, Hitler is the incarnation of the Aryan God Wotan. Hitler is possessed by him; he is no longer a human being. And Jung even compares him to prophet Mohammed, and to what the latter was and still is for the Islamic world.

There is no doubt that the end of the war was a catastrophe for Jung, who feared his whole body of work would be destroyed, since it linked him to Hitlerism, even if in a “philosophical” fashion; and also because of its concept of the archetype, with its references to Wotan or Vishnu, so that Adolf Hitler, possessed by Wotan, became an avatar, “occupied” in this manner by an external divinity—one that was extraterrestrial, as would be said today. At the end of his days, Jung, for the first time, reveals in his preface to my book The Visits of the Queen of Sheba that the archetype is a superconscious Entity; that is, a God, and not a “representation of instincts,” as it was defined until then by his disciples. While Mussolini was an ordinary man—“a human being”, so to say, even a charming one— Hitler was not, “lacking individuality, confused with his nation’s collective soul, and possessed by its Collective Unconscious.” And Jung would add: “Not even by the Collective Unconscious of a single nation, but that of an entire race, the Aryan race. And it is for this reason that the listeners, even those without knowledge of German, would, if Aryans, be gripped and hypnotised by his words; because he represents them all—he speaks for all of them. And if he does it shouting, it is because an entire nation, an entire race, is expressing itself through him.”1 Thus, Hitler is the incarnation of the Aryan God Wotan.


Que Es Arquetipo

Jung, Carl Gustav (2002). Obra Completa volumen 9/I: Los arquetipos y lo inconsciente colectivo. Madrid: Editorial Trotta. ISBN 9-525-5.

Hitler is possessed by him; he is no longer a human being. And Jung even compares him to prophet Mohammed, and to what the latter was and still is for the Islamic world.

Los arquetipos de jung

Los Arquetipos De Jung

There is no doubt that the end of the war was a catastrophe for Jung, who feared his whole body of work would be destroyed, since it linked him to Hitlerism, even if in a “philosophical” fashion; and also because of its concept of the archetype, with its references to Wotan or Vishnu, so that Adolf Hitler, possessed by Wotan, became an avatar, “occupied” in this manner by an external divinity—one that was extraterrestrial, as would be said today. At the end of his days, Jung, for the first time, reveals in his preface to my book The Visits of the Queen of Sheba that the archetype is a superconscious Entity; that is, a God, and not a “representation of instincts,” as it was defined until then by his disciples.