Calculator Program In Vb6.0

  1. Vb6 Programs On Windows 10

Calculator Application in VB6. Complete application in vb6 with Add, subtact, divide and multiplication plus dot and +/- button and lots more features.

  • How to Create a Simple Calculator in Visual Basic 6.0. Visual Basic 6.0 is a programming language.
  • This full VB program is a simple calculator like what comes with windows. I have a project on visual basic 6.0. To create a calculator showing the 4 basic operations.

Firstly, you may ONLY copy SMALL ammounts of this code into your own programs, as long as you give some credit to me!!! Heres a calculator i did simply because sooooo many people have tried making one and i keep getting asked for the source code to a VB6 calculator from many people at! So now iv made it. Enjoy I fixed the bug where you cant devide by 0, i couldnt be asked to leave remarks either.

But maybe in the next version I will (the next version will be on my website, as i will be leaving rohitab then) The next version (if i find time to program it) will include some of the following: 1) carry on calculation when youve pressed the equals button 2) Clear screen button 3) Graphical buttons 4) textured background 5) current answer displayed after you press +, -, /, x, button etc 6) Support for decimal places 7) animation 8) any other ideas? You can either read and buld the user interface yourself to get the code below to work, or download the source code attached to this post (VB6) and only have to open the project and press F5 to run the code. The next version (if i find time to program it) will include some of the following: 1) carry on calculation when youve pressed the equals button 2) Clear screen button 3) Graphical buttons 4) textured background 5) current answer displayed after you press +, -, /, x, button etc 6) Support for decimal places 7) animation 8) any other ideas? Ok, i got bored and had time to update it a little, i havent supplied a DOWNLOADABLE source code this time, because it was to big (due to images), so i have supplied the.exe zipped up. And the source code below which you can now compair the changes!

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I have ONLY added images, and changed the source code to make it function better. You can see the code in action by downloading the project above, and simply copying the NEW code below into it. Last update, for now anyway.

Hats new, you can now press the numbers on your keyboard and the maths operators (-,+,=,x,.,enter,/,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) to use the calculator or click the buttons with your mouse. Download below, or add another text box and name it txtFocus, and add this code to your current code at the bottom. Private Sub txtFocusKeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Select Case (KeyAscii) Case 48: cmd0Click Case 49: cmd1Click Case 50: cmd2Click Case 51: cmd3Click Case 52: cmd4Click Case 53: cmd5Click Case 54: cmd6Click Case 55: cmd7Click Case 56: cmd8Click Case 57: cmd9Click Case 43: cmdAddClick Case 61 Or 13: cmdEqualsClick Case 120 Or 42: cmdTimesClick Case 47: cmdDevideClick Case 45: cmdTakeAwayClick End Select End Sub or download below to see it working. I looked over the code and it looks great i didnt try puttin it together in vb yet though just becuz im bz right now but from wat i see it looks good. I like the calculator though i was actually just makin one for my work so that i can calculate my pay and keep a log. The only thign i think u need to change would b were at the botom is says made by vbassassin is to make it so wen they clik on it, it will take em to ur site but since its not up yet u cant do that.

Vb6 programs on windows 10

Vb6 Programs On Windows 10

If u decide to do that wen it is up though i can give u the souce to open iexplore and take them to a page if u dont already knwo how to do it. Well peace out.

I looked over the code and it looks great i didnt try puttin it together in vb yet though just becuz im bz right now but from wat i see it looks good. I like the calculator though i was actually just makin one for my work so that i can calculate my pay and keep a log. The only thign i think u need to change would b were at the botom is says made by vbassassin is to make it so wen they clik on it, it will take em to ur site but since its not up yet u cant do that. If u decide to do that wen it is up though i can give u the souce to open iexplore and take them to a page if u dont already knwo how to do it. Well peace out. Yeah, i already no the code to do that, and to make the Hand curser appear when you go over the link, and change the colour fo the text when its over the text and when its not over the text.

Here is the complete code on building a calculator app.:) Just add the controls as required.